Alrighty. Well, here it is, the new and (hopefully) improved Place de Notre Dame, currently solely maintained by Audrey Bowman (aka Sari) First let me say this: if you do not have the fonts which are used at this site, and wish to view this site as it was meant to be viewed,
CLICK HERE!! Fortune City lets us download them!!! I'm sooo excited!.Alighty then...I know what you're going to say...Sari, WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN FOR ALMOST A YEAR???!?!??!?! I'm sorry, I know I've been slacking, but I've been kinda busy. But I went to the HoND Convention, and my passion is officially renewed! So hopefully I'll stick with it more this time, including perhaps writing more on Sari's Tale! The setup is pretty much the same, except that I moved everything over to fortune city because they give you more room and less hassle. SO.......anyhoo......The changes are few, but important, I guess, so if you want to be sure not to miss anything,
CLICK HERE!Before you wander aimlessly, Clopin wants to make sure you're aware of a few little things before you proceed. (see his smile of approval?)
Now that we understand each other (maybe not understand, but you are aware of what it was Clopin wanted you to be aware of....) You may proceed! Don't you feel special??
Alright. I have gotten a few complaints about the time it took to upload this index with all the pics on it. But a page without pics is boring, right?? So forget them! (just kidding) I am now in the process of trying to compress all of my pics so that they load up a lot faster. Won't that be fun????? Until then, have to suffer through it just like I do! (evil laugh)
As you can see, Clopin obviously agrees with me. He really enjoys putting all of these pictures at your disposal. (Just to see you drool over him!) You see, he is the one who actually dictated this to me.. I am but a tiny instrument for The Great One.
Yes, well anyhoo- on to the wonders that are Place de Notre Dame.
Thisy here is the Court of Miracles, a safe haven for gypsies and outcasts alike. If you just love Clopin, Esmeralda or Djali, this is the place to go! It includes but is not limited to pics, artwork, and parodies!
If you're more of a Quasi or 'goyles fan, The Cathedral is the place for you. It includes the Belltower, home of the above mentioned quartet, (not to mention the bells) Not much is up about the bells yet, but there are some Quasi/'Goyles things there right now. This is also home of the Links page, which is in part a thank-you page to everyone who has contributed ANYTHING to Place de Notre Dame. THANKS!
Alrighty. If you're into the different stuff, i..e. Frollo and Phoebus, why not pursue that further? We understand that you need help (just kidding), but decided to put this up just for you. (By the way-for all you Frollo Fans....Frollo is THE best Villain, at least in Sari's opinion.) Phoebus needs a little work, but Kevin Kline is cool, so that makes Phoebus okay I guess... Anyways-there's oodles to do here, too! Including, but not limited to a pic gallery of both of them, and such like that.
Come one! Come All! Here it is, the moment you've been waiting for..... This is my little tribute to the Hunchback show at Disney's MGM Studios in Walt Disney World. It includes a lot of pics, plus a few summaries of the show Have Fun! (note-this site maintained by VIllage Idiot!!)
Did you think I would forget the show in Disneyland? Non, non, non! Of course not! Many thanks to everyone who provided the many pics and sound files. This show is no longer at Disneyland, but it will live on in the hearts of those who saw it (both live and/or on video!)
*Works In Progress*
Well, basically all of these things are works in progress, but this is just a few that haven't even been put up yet. If I have an idea, I'll put it here so everyone can be burning with anticipation. Isn't that nice?? 1. My sound page- this is going to be a UNIQUE, never seen before kinda thing. (at least I've never seen it done) It is a long and tedious process, though, so bear with me. 2. A list of all the HoND merchandise- this list may never show up, (mainly because I have no time to sit and make it!) But it would not even be close to complete. 3. Fan clubs-right now I have no time to organize them, but people keep telling me that I need to make some. SOO...there shall be some soon, I hope. 4. Hopefully soon I will have all my images and things from the last show that THE BEST Clopin was in at MGM. (on Aug. 20, he left the show..sigh) But i haven't scanned them in yet. Check out Irene's page for a great last Russell show page. 5. Soon i will have some stuff added to the Court of Miracles, such as a place to plot the death of Frollo or Phoebus (aka the bonfire) But it needs some work yet....;-)6. I hope to create individual picture pages for each character. But the way it is now, it's easier to get pics of everybody.
7. Clopin's Puppet Cart will be, well, just like it sounds. But i haven't had time to make it yet, and i know you were all dying to see this page, weren't you?? That's about it for these up and coming events. If you want to know when they are up, or when this page is updated, write to me, and put "I want to be updated" for the subject. (It makes it easier on me when i go back and check!) I promise you i'll write as soon as something new is added. Also, if you want to be specific, like if you just want to know when puppetcart is updated, or the Palace of Justice, or something, just tell me in the letter, and i'll keep it to that! ALrighty then. And now mesdames et messieurs...the Piece de Resistance!! This idea was really given to me by Village Idiot. She has one on her Ling Page, soo.... Anyways, this is a greeting card service provided to you by Bravenet. Go ahead and click on it!
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Okay. Now comes the easy part. I really enjoy visitors, and would love it if you would SIGN MY GUESTBOOK! PLEAAAASSE! I would be ever so grateful! I just want people to talk to me, that's all. Sniff, sniff... Or if you would like to just e-mail me with thoughts on the page or anything in general, please do! Or you could just VIEW MY GUESTBOOK
Thank you for coming! And do drop by again!This page would be a proud member of the Hunchback of Notre Dame Web Ring, but I can't figure out how to get someone to add me on!!!!!!